Oct. 1st - Two_hoots - bones
Skipdownunderx - Ghost
Team removed the Witch from team Freddys Slayers
Oct. 2nd - Signe2 - Pumpkin1
Sunrow2002D - Chucky
Team stole the Gargoyle from team Boo Squad
Oct. 3rd Olivia822 - Mask 1
Sunrow2002D - Tree
Sunrow2002D - Ghost
Flash - Witch
Flash - Snake
Oct. 4th - Koda69 - Purple Bat
HunnieBee - Beast
Oct. 8th - Mac_lynch - Owl
Hotgram2 - Crow
Morpheus79us - Zombie
Brokenbeergut - Ghost
Oct. 9 - Mac_lynch_2000 - Skeleton Stack
Team removed the Witch from team Skeleton Crushers
Oct. 10th - Olivia822 - Black Bats
Mac_Lynch_2000 - Mask 2
Oct. 15 - Morpheus79us - Red Spider
Oct. 16 - Dsch1_osh - Purple Bat
Hotgram - Tarantula
Sunrow2002D - Cobweb
Oct. 17 - Team won 1 free item choose the Widow Maker
Oct. 18 - Team won 1 free item choose the Moon
Oct. 11th - Stewartgolf14 - Pumpkin 2
Olivia822 - Dog
Bravada7 - Skull Light
Oct. 16 - Dsch1_osh - Purple Bat
Hotgram - Tarantula
Sunrow2002D - Cobweb