Team Ghoul Slayers - Winners

Oct. 1 Fish23715 - Moon
Amazing_mom_61 - Cobweb
Chargers0405 - Skull Light
Oct. 2 Deviousxheart - Purple Bats
Chargers0405 - Red Spider
Tomcat8105604 - Chucky
Meeturmaker2 - Ghost
Chargers0405 - Snake
Meeturmakers2 - Tree
Oct. 3 Fish23715 - Black Bats
Deviousxheart - RIP
Johnny1221 - Mask 2
Tomcat8105604 - Ghost
Shagga19692000 - Bones
Oct. 4 Istreat2000 - Pumpkin 2
Momma_perfect - Mask 1
Meeturmaker2 - Ghost
NikkiLuvsPurple - Monster
Oct. 9 Deviousxheart - RIP
Oct. 14 - DeviousxHeart - Witch
Oct. 7 Karen271 - Pumpkin 1
Chargers0405 - Dog
Caddygirl1 - Trantula
Amazing_mom_61 - Red Spider
Chargers0405 - Crow
Oct. 10th - Horselady6 - Werewolf
Brock_high - RIP
Oct. 15 - Dutchman1 - Purple bat
Amazing_mom_61- Widow Maker
Team Freddys stole the Black Bats from the team.
Oct. 8 Chicklet0427 - Red Spider
Oct. 11th - Meeturmaker3 - Zombie
Oct. 17 - Team Skeletons stole the dog
from the team.
Oct. 18 - Team boo stole the Moon
Fish23715 - Black Bats
Skinydippy - Owl
Team Skeleton stole the teams Owl
Time4Coochange _ Gargoyle
Skinydippy - Skeleton Stack
Oct. 21 - Deviousxheart - Dog
Skinydippy - Owl
Stole the Moon from team Freddy