Oct. 1 - Loly - Werewolf
Naughtysam_69 - Pumpkin2
Loly - RIP
Naughtysam_69 - Red Spider
Mental_Ping_Pong - Mask2
JustSlumming - Ghost
Mental_Ping_Pong - Witch
Team Goblin Galas removed the witch from the team
Oct. 2 - Sandybear - Crow
Sunlover548 - Mask1
Dottymaecallief - Skeleton Stack
IrishEyesofBlue - Bones
Oct. 3 - Dottymaecallief - Trantula
Bricky3838 - Chucky
IrishEyesofBlue - Monster
Team removed Gargoyle from Skeleton Crushers
Oct. 4 - Dottymaecallief - Red Spider
4Timedmm - Cobweb
Poohe - Gargoyle
Cincystrong - Tree
Sunlover548 - Ghost
Oct. 7 - Sunlover548 - Purple Bat
Mental_Ping_Pong - Zombie
Oct. 8 - Tori_dreams08 - Pumpkin 1
Cincystrong - Ghost
Zanylonglegs - RIP
Oct. 9 - Betsy764 - Moon
Sunlover548 - Purple Bat
Team stole the Widow Maker from team Boo
Oct. 10 - TheNatural - Skeleton Light
Team stole the snake from team Skeletons
Oct. 11 - Sunlover548 - RIP
Team stole the Dog from team Skeletons
Team removed the Black Bats from team Skeletons
Oct. 14 - Bricky3838 - Beast
Team Boo removed the Moon from the team
Oct. 18 - Mental_Ping_Pong - Witch
Oct. 15 - Cincystrong - Stole the Black Bats from team Ghouls
Sunlover548 - Pick of 1 free item, choose the moon
Oct. 21 Team Ghouls stole the Moon from the team
Free Item won - Werewolf
Oct. 17- Team Goblins removed the
Werewolf from the team.